Thursday, April 4, 2013

Perceptions of Bali (and everything else)

A winter path in the Alps or a frog fish in Bali?

How you can be sure this is a scene from a winter walking tour in the Alps or really sure this is an underwater photo of a frog fish in Bali?
As you have your eyes and brains it's rather easy.
a) snow on branches is typical for Alps
b) bare trees and branches are typical for wintertime Alps
c) dark brown frog fish in the center is typical for underwater environment
d) corals growing from the underwater wall are typical for Menjangan walls
If you were with me when taking this photo, you would know. As it is, even unedited photo, additional information, your eyes, your brain, your vast knowledge accumulated through years... doesn't help.
Your perception will still let you recognize it for what it is or for what it isn't.
And this is a just a photo.
Very much same goes for our perceptions of ideas, facts, people... And yet in these a touch more important departments we can be so sure of our proper perception that it hurts.
I have no doubt whatsoever that she is lazy, he is stupid and greedy, that the Moon and clouds are making love, that rainbow tastes way sweeter than a snowflake...
In two cases I'm sweetly right, in two I'm brilliantly wrong - no wonder so much aggravation, stress, anger and other nice things are floating around...
It's interesting that most of the things about which nobody could say true or false with any degree of certainty, we can easily declare as holly truth.
Not even the fact, that most of our perceptions are in fact the most beautiful examples of misperceptions, can not change our sacred perceptions.
Well, if our “infallible” perceptions make as happy, so be it...

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