Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wisdom comes with age

Also Sprach Zarathustra...

As you are getting older and older and even older... you definitely need some consolation to compensate for your ailing overall status. Have some compassionate help from your scuba diving Highlander.
You can always find comfort in some facts describing your life:

a) you are getting too old too soon, and smart too late
b) wisdom comes with age, and too often age will visit you on her own
c) you successfully fucked up 99,99% of highlights of your life (mostly for false morality reasons)
d) you are too old to rock'n'roll and too young to die

Are you already pissed off with a kind of a “help” I'm offering to you?
Good. Very good.
Direct this negative feeling to all the constraints preventing you to live your life to the maximum extent. Annihilate all the cages, chains, obstacles. Be yourself.

And don't try to sell me the crap that you are already what you really are. Crash course workshops teachings how to love yourself, to be yourself are efficient just for reducing your funds. Crap you bring to this workshops on weekends you carry again on Mondays...

Yes, you are really a lucky person to encounter such a gentle, compassionate (I do hope you add wise automatically!) guru as me...
By luring you into being free, being what you really are I by no means do not urge you to open your Pandora box of hidden hates.
So, please don't jump out of your cave and shoot the neighbor, because you hate the way he is closing the lid on a garbage can.
Open the other box, box full of beautiful feelings.
Allow yourself to approach with a smile, a nice word, somebody you find charming. Very soon you will find out you find charming persons everywhere. A tired girl working at a supermarket, a helpful librarian, a masculine fireman, a girl with sparks in her eyes and her heart…
You give them some of your (beats me why, but usually extremely well hidden) love and you will be rewarded.
You will not just forget about irritation your brain damaged boss is causing, you will find out food tastes better, the sky smells sweeter, the clouds are whispering nice things to you...
And you will somehow start receiving what you are spreading around you.

Yes, a touch different workshop than the ones you can book at your favorite esoteric “Special offers gurus”...

You don't have to work on this.
You don't have to stare into nothingness for hours and claim you are absorbed into The Navel of The Final Truth.
You are not expected to use (waste) half of your life to find yourself. Even if you haven't noticed yet, you already are.
A pearl. A piece of shit. An angel.
Depends on the time of the day and shoes you wear.
You don't have to pay the deposit, the bill or donation for this.

Summa summarum:
No work, so we can eliminate word work from workshop.
No shopping, as I am not selling you anything, so we can eliminate word shop.
Remains nothing.
And nothing can be sometimes even nicer gift than everything.

I sincerely hope, that this brilliant, inspirational, eloquent masterpiece is not in any way offending to shit selling new age gurus.

As one of my not so bright students pronounced on a good day:

“Let it be... Naked.” P. McCartney, 2003


  1. Dušan, i like it!!!!! :) Si mi polepšal dan...
    Lepe pozdravčke iz zasnežene Slovenije.
    Tina (tista ta mala iz skupine norih Štajercev, ki ti ob 5ih zjutraj vdrejo na dvorišče :)

    1. Tina, zverinica! Nič snega tukaj, imamo pa mango pie! Tudi naporno, moram jesti. Pa pripelji drugič to wild bunch raje za 1. maj, bom mislil je klasična budnica :)
      Ti, tista tamala prav veliki pozdravčki zate, Alen jih je že dobil, ostali pa kokr hočjo :)

  2. One of your not so bright students you say huh? :)))
    I really liked your post, it gives you something to think about before you go to bed (though it's not 4AM yet).
    Lately I've been really thinking about myself (who am I, who do I wanna be...) and I have to admit that although questions may be easy.. Finding the right answer, not so much..
    Keep on posting such awesome posts ;)

    1. Dear, valued customer of "Wisdom unLtd."
      Our Customer service department is more than pleased to inform you that a post dealing with "Finding the right answer..." will be published on 18.7.2013.

      Alen, today just a trailer to keep suspension at a proper level:
      "...if you find yourself a little left from the field declared by herd as “Bordering to normal”..."
