A diver is a diver. |
Internationally recognized scuba behavioral researcher Liam
O'Bubble published his theory why male divers tend to look like hell
and female divers usually look like princesses going for a dive.
Obviously the function of different looks has rather deep roots.
unkempt, wild look of a male will keep away sable-tooth tiger -
and mandarin fish as well
b) fragile, beautifully dressed
female look will save her from any work (in the prehistoric cave or
when scuba diving)
c) savage male diver look is a living
proof of safety for his buddies
d) female extremely good
looks will calm the raging ocean
With a few simple strokes
author managed to draw a perfect picture of an answer to the question
older than our civilization.
How come, one part of our
specie tends to draw a short straw (again and again), and the other
part a long one (again and again)?
Brilliant minds were
searching for the answer in philosophy, sociology, religion,
supermarkets, old dusted manuscripts, mysterious texts on cereal
boxes, on google …
And the result of all the burned midnight oil: nothing.
And yet, the answer is more
than obvious even to a naked eye. Just take a look.
you come to visit your friend. You come in your old jeans, old sweat
shirt and you are anticipating a pleasant chat, sipping a cold beer
She's dressed to kill and you charmingly blurt out: “Wow,
you look ...”
And she innocently changes the subject and
mentions her kitchen sink is blocked.
Even if you are just a young
candidate for a rocket scientist, you'll figure out in one tenth of a
second who will spend afternoon under the disassembled kitchen sink,
fighting with grime, hair, old food remains …
And in scuba
diving it's no different.
Magic these sweet looking devils (oops, divers) use to work on you,
is fantastic. You start to believe your one and the only goal in life is
to make their scuba diving easier than a stroll in a park.
And all just because of looks.
A gentle, fragile baby – of
course she needs help to tighten her fins, to close the buckles on
her gear, to get her in the water …
Girls - diving,
snorkeling, dry – I love you all even more when little flames are
bursting from your nostrils ...