Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exciting diving in Bali (or elsewhere)

Keep cool.
What should you do deep down when shit hits the fan?
a) keep cool
b) keep cool
c) keep cool
d) a, b and c are correct

This advice is useful not just in diving activities but also in most of other aspects of life.
Basic knowledge (theoretical and practical) required for scuba diving is of course essential.
More experience you got, better for you.
If you manage to keep your CPU between your ears switched on, it helps.
Knowledge, experience, sharp mind – these are our guardian angels.
How can we immobilize all of them instantly?
Just start panicking.
Our knowledge becomes nonexistent, no memory of experience, and our mind is numb as a hake.
Whatever keeps panic at bay will help.
What mantra would keep us from panicking in an extremely adverse situations?
For instance, when waiter serves wrong pizza?
Or we are descending into an abyss and are not able to figure out how to stop descending towards the bottom at 137 meters?
Or nobody likes our posts on Facebook?
OK, rationally we know panic is a killer.
Panic will not help us solve anything, but make the situation even much worse.
But we still panic.
Ratio is not effective against panic.
Maybe vanity would help?
Think how stupid panicking guy looks.
A total imbecile.
A full time moron.
Everybody laughing at the guy.
No way to make me panic!

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