It all started once upon
a time...
As a nice girl really
nicely remarked, this BCD speaks volumes about my age. Probably she
meant experience. Who can blame these young things for improper use
of the words...:)
However, the question is,
how did it all start? And when?
a) as I've been never
very savvy with technicalities, I asked for help my friend Leonardo
b) signor Da Vinci
constructed an interesting apparatus
c) since then I've been
testing, using and enjoying this device
d) and today you can see
poor imitations all over the world
Even if my abused memory
can not provide exact day and date of the first scuba attempts, I can
say it's been probably a couple of Fridays back. Maybe even a touch
However, in 20th
century they decided you need a license for practically any activity.
For driving a car, flying a plane, double zero license to...,
different license again for scuba diving, today probably taking a
girl out for a dinner requires a license as well...
I would like to stress
out my fantastic achievements, when qualifying for different
recreational levels of scuba diving. I passed all the courses without
killing, permanently disabling or putting in a nut house my overly
stressed instructor.
During boring first few,
shallow water training dives I tried to make it a little more
interesting and I showed him my ability to perform a good solo,
limited visibility dive in overhead environment. OK, it was not
intended, it just happened.
He's been on the verge of
freaking out, getting a heart attack, but somehow he made it. I heard
him crying at nights and mumbling in his sleep “Don't do this!!!!
However, he managed to
survive and sign all the needed applications... and I became an
esteemed member of recreational scuba diving community.
What I've been doing in
the name of scuba diving in Adriatic, Red Sea and some other spots
remains classified for 99 years.
This fantastic start has
been as a clear message from Poseidon to me. I am destined to be a
professional diver.
As it frequently happens
to ex-alcoholics, ex-insurance company directors, ex-mass murderers,
ex-smokers and similar pillars of our society, that they become most
fundamentalist preachers of the right ways, something similar
happened to me.
As a professional diver I
started a crusade against crazy, dangerous ways of diving.
My goal is rather simple
and realistic. A piece of apfelstrudel...
To convert some careless divers
to do it more safely, to close down shitty dive joints, to
convince big certifying agencies to stop issuing licenses as candies
to people who never passed the basic standards for diving.
For more info visit me in
one of my offices :)